Elif Derviş
1 min readOct 7, 2023


I haven’t visited this page for a long time. Here is what I wrote back in June: I need to remember I started writing here for a reason. I need to start working on that reason/motive. I need to finish my novel. I need to write a brand new story even I have no idea about. I need to stop wasting time on people wasting my time with their ego/crap. I need to start. Just start.

Let’s see how much of it have I been able to accomplish so far.

  • I wrote a brand new story, I loved the process and really enjoyed the outcome, and sent it to a competition.
  • I totally stopped wasting time on people wasting my time with their ego/crap.

And now, I need to finish my second novel, which I haven’t touched at all during the summer. I really need to finish it so that I can move on.



Elif Derviş

Writer/Translator. Born in 1977 in Turkey. Mother and wife. Novelist, short story writer. Loves books, cats, nature. Blog in Turkish: kosenindelisi.blogspot.com